My Minecraft Alpha 1.1.2 World (2017-201?)

Let me take you on a short trip to a world I played in for a year or two.
We'll start with the shelter by the spawn point. It is inside this hill.

There is also a staircase leading below, into an empty room, above into a larger but still empty room and a wheat farm on the side, between the floors. You can also climb above, though there is nothing there either.

This is the beach at spawn. If we take this boat, we will reach a settlement. It's a little prettier at night.

We have arrived at the settlement. There's a lot to see here: Lots of scattered boats by the shore, a small wheat and cactus farm, the first minecraft station... Let's examine a few other things up close, starting with the first thing built here: The main tower.

There's not much inside: a few furnaces and a stairway made of cobblestone. Other buildings can be viewed from the top.

Let's take a look at the house that is right below the tower. Inside, there are a few chests and furnaces. There are 6 saddles, nearly a stack of gold and iron, 5 diamons, aswell as other stuff stored in here.

On the right, there is a path to another house. It overlooks a waterfall I built, and most of the area around it was terraformed.

On the left side, further past the rail tracks and the farms, there is a bigger house. It has 3 floors, one for storage, one for furnaces, and the attic with more chests.

From here we can also see 1/3rd of the railroad. Let's go back to the first station (Train Station 0) and set off.

Our first stop is the waterfall station. There's a flickering redstone machine here aswell. If you brought a boat, you can descend down the waterfall. From this point, the railroad forks. Let's try the option on the right.

This is the watchtower station. Here is a watchtower... And nothing else of note, besides a small pool of lava.

Now let's take the left route. It's significantly longer, and it takes us up to another tower, which reaches to the top of the world.

There was an attempt to colonize another place, though I got bored by that point. We can see it from this settlement, it is to the left of the place we originally came from.

And that's it! Hope you enjoyed my little world.

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